Spiritual Retreat @ Khopoli

Leaving their busy schedules and worries behind, around 150 devotees from Pune and nearby areas joined in for a One Day Spiritual Retreat in the SSY ashram at Khopoli. Devotees started the journey towards the place in buses form Nigdi Ashram, chanting the Divine names of the Lord.

Guided meditation and  chanting were conducted in the presence of Swami Prajnanamritananda and Swami Vidyamritananda. There was also a Yoga session for the participants.

There was an interactive Question & Answer session where the Swamis clarified on some of the doubts and spiritual questions raised by some of the seekers. Both Swamis also spoke on the occasion.

The day concluded which Bhajans. Overall, it was a nice short retreat for aspirants to regain and  maintain their focus on spiritual progress.

Devotees listening to Swami Prajnanamritananda
Devotees listening to Swami Prajnanamritananda
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
Devotees in Seva for participants
Devotees in Seva for participants