Handwriting improvement classes at AmritaChetana

At Amrita Chetana, Special handwriting improvement class for the slum students has been started along with regular subjects. Mrs. Kiran Vats, expert in this area from Nigdi is conducting these classes at the Slum school. 30 students have been selected for this special handwriting class, based on their past attendance and interest.

The first lesson......

MA Math has provided the students a set of Note Books, Ink Pen, and Special Nibs, free of cost. In the first class, the teacher Mrs.Vats took a sample of their present handwriting, which would be preserved and compared after the classes are over.

A student at the class

Based on her experience, the teacher was very confident that there would be a remarkable change in the handwriting of the students. Students are very happy and enthusiastic to learn handwriting techniques and very keen to improve their handwriting.

Mrs Vats handing over the special kit to a student